Move-to-front transform

Vicente González Ruiz

December 31, 2019


1 Basics
2 Forward transform
 2.1 Example
3 Inverse transform
 3.1 Example
4 Lab

1 Basics

2 Forward transform

  1. Create a list L with the symbols of the source alphabet, where
    L[s] s;0 s r.

  2. While the input is not exhausted:
    1. s next input symbol.
    2. c position of s in L (L[c] = s).
    3. Output c.
    4. Move s to the front of L.

2.1 Example

3 Inverse transform

  1. The step 1 of the forward transform.
  2. While the input is not exausted:
    1. c next input code.
    2. s L[c].
    3. Output s.
    4. The step 2.C of the forward transform.

3.1 Example


4 Lab



[1]   Giovanni Manzini. An analysis of the Burrows—Wheeler transform. Journal of the ACM (JACM), 48(3):407–430, 2001.