(Eq:symbol_information) |
bits of information.
(1) |
bits-of-information/symbol, where is the size of the source alphabet (number of different symbols).
In Spanish there are 28 letters. Therefore, to encode, for example, the word preciosa, the first symbol p can be represented by its index inside of the Spahish alphabet with a code-word of 5 bits. In this try, the encoding is not a very efficient, but this we are in first letter … For the second one r we can see (using a Spanish dictionary) that after a p, the following symbols are possible: (1) a, (2) e, (3) i, (4) l, (5) n, (6) o, (7) r, (8) s and (9) u. Therefore, we don’t need 5 bits now, 4 are enough.
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